Home Cures What Is Grape Pomace Used For – 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses

What Is Grape Pomace Used For – 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn what is grape pomace used for and the main health benefits of grape pomace? Learn this and more…

Grape pomace is the solid remains of grapes after the extraction of grape must, a potent concentrate of healing substances. Indeed, grape pomace is the true source of active compounds that give red and black grapes their medicinal properties. The explanation is quite simple: the skin, pulp, and seeds of dark-colored grapes contain the highest levels of resveratrol, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, considered the most effective cardiovascular protector found in nature, 50 times more potent than vitamin E.

Before we show you what grape pomace is used for in medicine, let’s dive into the most notable health benefits of grape pomace and how to make grape pomace at home as a natural medicine. Let’s go.

What Is Grape Pomace Used For 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses MyNaturalTreatment.com

What Is Grape Pomace Used For

Grape pomace (Vitis vinifera) is commonly used to make wine or brandy, used as feed to animals, or is simply discarded. However, few people know that grape pomace contains the medicinal properties of grapes, as all the active compounds are concentrated in the skin, pulp, and seeds of dark-colored grapes. What people throw away is, in fact, the healing essence of grapes—their primary source of nutrition and healing properties. Now let’s look into the main health benefits of grape pomace.

Health Benefits of Grape Pomace

Grape pomace is a true ‘goldmine’ of resveratrol, the most potent antioxidant discovered so far. It is found in greater quantities than in red wine, plus pomace contains no alcohol. Plus, grape pomace retains many of the therapeutic qualities of resveratrol. Hence the main health benefits of grape pomace are the following:

  • Grape pomace prevents the degradation of all types of cells in the body and the DNA;
  • Grape pomace also accelerates tissue regeneration and repair;
  • Grape pomace balances vital functions and slows down the aging process.

The healing action of resveratrol in grape pomace is enhanced by the presence of phenols, flavonoids, quercetin, tannins, organic acids, micro and trace elements (iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, and calcium), as well as both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins—substances that strengthen and heal the entire body, plus they have high antioxidant and antibacterial activity, and moderate cytotoxicity activity. Thus, grape pomace also:

  • has beneficial effects on both the heart, circulation, and blood vessels due to its powerful vasodilating properties, it helps regulate cholesterol levels and prevent vascular accidents;
  • strengthens bones, joints, and connective tissue, alleviates rheumatic pain, and fights osteoporosis;
  • has beneficial properties for eye, skin, and hail health and prevents skin aging.

But there are many other less-known health benefits of grape pomace. Before we dive into the natural remedies with grape pomace that are still used today in parts of Eastern Europe, here is how to make grape pomace at home.

How to Make Grape Pomace

The most suitable grapes for making grape pomace are red or black grapes harvested from high-yielding hybrids, as these are more resistant to diseases and pests. Unlike noble varieties, they do not require many treatments during the growing season to combat these issues, since fungicides and pesticides can remain on the skin of the grapes.

A week after the grapes have been detached from the bunch and crushed, the must can be separated from the pomace. You can use a slow juicer for this process. From 10 kg of grapes, you get approximately 6-7 kg of must and 3-4 kg of pomace. Thus, the yield of pomace is one-third of the initial quantity of grapes.

Spread the mixture of grape skin, pulp, and seeds out in a thin layer in well-ventilated areas, such as terraces, porches, sheds, attics, and verandas, but not in kitchens or apartment balconies. The dehydration (drying) can take 2-3 weeks, during which it is necessary to turn the pomace material daily to expedite drying and prevent the growth of mold and the formation of fruit flies. These flies are harmless from a bacteriological standpoint, as they do not carry any microbes, and usually disappear spontaneously once the grape pomace is completely dried.

The drying process concludes when the crushed grapes look similar to candied fruit and become crumbly. After drying, the initial quantity is reduced by half. Dried grape pomace is stored in cheesecloth bags. The drying makes pomace much more effective from a medicinal standpoint because the air exposure eliminates any remaining alcohol in the grape pomace.

5 Natural Remedies with Grape Pomace and Their Uses

1. How to Make Grape Pomace Powder and Use

Grape pomace powder is easily obtained by finely grinding the dried pomace. The recommended dosage is one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals, simply by swallowing, as this powder has a pleasant taste. You can mix it with fresh juice or raw honey and take it as such. This natural remedy from grape pomace is the most recommended for use as it is the most natural way to enjoy its medicinal properties.

Grape Pomace Powder is Used For

  • Maintains the youthfulness of the heart and blood vessels, prevents hypertension and fluctuating blood pressure,
  • Helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis and can significantly alleviate the symptoms of gout and arthritis.
  • Regulates intestinal transit and is beneficial for chronic constipation when consumed regularly.
  • Is also recommended for diabetics, as the sugar contained in grapes has passed into the must. Resveratrol and other active compounds considerably improve insulin absorption, making grape pomace powder a good adjunct in diabetes treatment.
What Is Grape Pomace Used For - 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses

2. How to Make Grape Pomace Infusion and Use at Home

The grape pomace infusion is prepared by simmering 40 g of pomace powder in one liter (4 cups) of water for half an hour. Remove from the heat and steep for another 15 minutes, then strain. For best results, drink the grape pomace infusion warm, one cup before each meal of the day.

Grape Pomace Infusion is Used For

Grape pomace infusion is especially recommended for individuals experiencing memory loss, as well as those affected by dementia and senility. It helps maintain and restore mental clarity, proving particularly effective in treating depression and neuroses. Regular consumption of grape pomace tea can even alleviate symptoms of serious conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

What Is Grape Pomace Used For - 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses

3. How to Make Grape Pomace Decoction

Simmer two tablespoons (approximately 30 g) of dried grape pomace in a cup of water (250 ml) on low heat for 15 minutes, gradually adding water to replace any that evaporates. After cooling, the decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. This preparation is more concentrated than the grape pomace infusion, which is why the recommended dosage is 30-40 drops per day.

Grape Pomace Decoction is Used For

  • Alleviates all types of allergies, as pomace strengthens the body and reduces sensitivity to external stimuli. A three-week course serves as an excellent method for gently purifying the body.
  • Eliminates toxins accumulated from stress, pollution, bad foods, and a sedentary lifestyle. Simultaneously, promotes overall tissue regeneration, preparing the immune system to cope with the cold season.
  • The grape pomace decoction cure is recommended during recovery periods, especially after infectious diseases.
  • Fights obesity, as the active compounds in grape pomace enhance excess fat elimination.

4. How to Make Grape Pomace Tincture

Grape pomace tincture contains eight times more resveratrol than wine, making it a true elixir that slows down aging and wards off associated conditions. The active compound in this tincture, resveratrol, is poorly soluble in aqueous or weak alcoholic solutions, such as wine or homemade spirits. Therefore, it is recommended to use at least 70% proof alcohol when preparing the tincture; otherwise, the extraction of resveratrol will be negligible.

To make the grape pomace tincture soak 20 g of dried, finely ground pomace in 100 ml of alcohol with a minimum of 70% proof for 10 days, shaking it a few times each day. Afterward, strain through cheesecloth and allow to decant for 6 days in the refrigerator. Separate the clear liquid from the residues and store it in 20 or 30-ml amber bottles with a dropper. The recommended dosage is 30 drops twice a day.

5. How to Make Grape Pomace Syrup for Anemia

Vitamin deficiencies and the body’s inability to absorb vitamins can be addressed by preparing this delicious grape pomace syrup. The grape pomace syrup is easy to make by mixing 100 g of finely crushed, dried grape pomace with 100 g of raw honey and 200 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice. After homogenizing, store the raw syrup in glass jars in the refrigerator. The recommended dosage is one teaspoon a day for at least 20 days out of a month.

When enhanced with chicory root, rose hips, wormwood, and ginseng tinctures, this syrup is effective for individuals who feel low on energy, lack appetite, lead a sedentary lifestyle, work long hours at a desk, do not exercise enough, and have an irregular diet.

What Is Grape Pomace Used For - 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses

6. Grape Pomace Baths for Rheumatic Pain

Bathing in grape pomace is beneficial for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and spondylosis. To enjoy the healing properties of this bath, prepare a concentrated infusion by boiling 250 g of dried grape pomace in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. Strain and pour the hot decoction into your bathwater, and bathe for approximately 15 minutes. For best results take the grape pomace every other day for two weeks.

Grape pomace baths are also beneficial for restoring the suppleness and radiance of the skin, as the active compounds in grape pomace help reduce cellulite and stretch marks while softening and restoring the skin’s elasticity.

More Grape Pomace Remedies:
Grape Pomace Poultices
Grape Pomace Salve
Grape Pomace Masks

If you’ve enjoyed learning what is grape pomace used for medicinally, how to make grape pomace at home, and how to use it to prepare amazing natural remedies, please share this article. This way you help more people reach us and learn about these unusual remedies with grapes. Stay healthy, naturally!

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What Is Grape Pomace Used For – 6 Amazing Medicinal Uses - Sunflower Remedies - Grape Pomace Uses - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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