Home Conditions 6 Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush

6 Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for oral thrush, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis is an oral infection, most likely the side effect of synthetic antibiotic treatment. Oral thrush can oftentimes cause pain when eating (burning sensation), as well as excessive salivation. However, no matter how severe, we have here a few amazing natural treatments for oral thrush that one can try at home. Let’s get straight to the remedies.

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6 Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush

1. Essential Oils Remedy for Oral Thrush

In case of oral thrush, rinse your mouth with concentrated basil, thyme, or St. John’s wort tea after each meal. Anoint the affected oral area 5-6 times a day with St. John’s wort oil or calendula oil as these herbal oils have healing properties and also act as natural painkillers. These oils are some of the best natural treatments for oral thrush. In the evening before going to bed, anoint the affected area of the mouth with one of the herbal oils once again, and then rinse well and gargle with water and sodium bicarbonate (1:1 ratio).

While following this treatment for thrush, don’t share cutlery with anoyne else. Avoid milk and dairy products, spices, pickles, and hard foods that can injure your oral mucosa and gums.

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St John’s wort flowers and oil

2. Natural Treatment for Oral Thrush with Cornmeal

In the morning, right after you wake up, take 1/2 tbsp cornmeal with a pinch of sea salt and a drop of water. Do this before even starting to speak. Move the cornmeal meal in your mouth from side to side, and back and forth until it turns into a soft paste. Spit it out and rinse your mouth well. You’ll have the sensation that you’ve scrubbed a few layers off your tongue. You can use this remedy even if you are healthy, along with brushing your teeth. 

Afterward, use propolis as follows. Have 20 drops of 30% propolis 3 times a day, 30 minutes before each meal. Complete the treatment by gargling with calendula infusion a few times a day. In addition, have a few cups of calendula, thyme, or St. John’s wort teas a day. These are amongst the best natural treatments for oral thrush, guaranteed.

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3. Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush with Herbs

This remedy for oral thrush is based on a herbal tea that you can prepare and use as follows. First, mix together the following herbs:

  • 20 g of calendula flowers
  • 10 g of stinging nettle
  • 20 g of horsetail
  • 30 g of white dead-nettle
  • 20 g of common knotgrass

Steep a teaspoon of this herbal blend into one cup of hot water for 10 minutes, not more. Strain the tea and have two cups of this wonderful tea a day, for one or two weeks, until complete healing. Although annoying and painful, oral thrush can be alleviated and cured with this herbal tea blend. These herbs are proven to be some of the most powerful natural treatments for oral thrush.

oral thrush remedies

4. Blueberry Leaves Remedy for Oral Thrush

This tea is amazing for fortifying the body against fungal infections such as candidiasis. For this, prepare a herbal blend with blueberry leaves, marshmallow leaves, and walnut leaves. Steep 5-6 fresh leaves into a cup of water and drink 2-3 cups of this tea a day. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon grate 100 g of carrot and 1 apple, combine and eat this nutritious and healthy salad. Continue the cure for 2 weeks, until complete healing. These herbs make some of the best natural treatments for oral thrush.

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Walnut leaves

5. Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush with Sage

Sage is one of the best herbs for all oral conditions, including oral thrush. Chew on fresh sage leaves or drink sage tea every day. Rinse your mouth well with sage tea, and drink 1 cup of sage tea three times per day, so 3 cups in total. In addition, you can use methylene blue to double the efficiency of this remedy. Methylene blue is also good for oral candidiasis. Soak a bit of methylene blue solution on a cotton bud and press it on the small hives inside the mouth.

5. Lady’s Bedstraw Remedy for Oral Thrush

Prepare an infusion with 1 heaped tsp of lady’s bedstraw in one cup of hot water. Use the warm infusion to gargle. While gargling, swallow down the tea bit by bit. Or use chamomile instead of lady’s bedstraw. In this case, combine 100 g of water with 1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate and chamomile tea and use it for gargling.

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We really hope that these natural treatments for oral thrush will help you heal from this condition, as they did help many people before you. Let us know in the comment section below what has worked for you. Stay healthy, naturally!


6 Natural Treatments for Oral Thrush

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