Home Cures St. Hildegard’s 8 Medieval Remedies for Heart Problems

St. Hildegard’s 8 Medieval Remedies for Heart Problems

by Andreea Laza

Looking for medieval remedies for heart problems? Look into St. Hildegard’s natural remedies, which she recommends for all sorts of heart ailments.

Medieval German nun Hildegard von Bingen, also known as St. Hildegard, is well-known for her extensive work in spiritual and herbal remedies, as well as other philosophical thesis. Her medieval remedies for heart problems have survived the passage of time, and some of them are awaiting you. Without further ado, here are St. Hildegard’s medieval remedies for heart problems of different kinds.

St. Hildegard's 8 Medieval Remedies for Heart Problems - MyNaturalTreatment.com

St. Hildegard’s 8 Medieval Remedies for Heart Problems

1. Aloe, Myrrh and Rattlesnake Root Cookies

for hypertension, poor circulation, exhaustion

“Take the same amount of aloe, myrrh, and a little less camphor, and let them melt in a pan. Add some rattlesnake root and some whole flour, and make biscuits from this mixture, which you bake on a hot stone or in the sun. After they are well dried, grind them to powder. Have some of this powder on an empty stomach with some tea with honey. If you are healthy and strong, you will become even healthier and stronger, and your strength will be fortified. If you are sick, this remedy will correct you and make you strong, just as the sun begins to shine on a gloomy day.” (Hildegard)


  • 10 g aloe vera powder
  • 10 g myrrh powder (Commiphora myrrha)
  • 10 g rattlesnake root powder (Prenanthes purpurea)
  • 7 g camphor powder (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • 100 g whole flour or gluten-free oat flour

Combine all the ingredients well, take 1-2 pinches of the mixture, and put them in a cup of warm tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. Administer twice a day before meals.

6 Effective Ancient Arab Home Remedies and How to Use Them Myrrh

2. Mouse-Ear Hawkweed & Dittany Powder

for insufficient circulation, circulatory disorders, fatty blood, coronary thrombosis, concussion

“When consumed, mouse-ear hawkweed strengthens the heart and reduces the harmful juices accumulated in the body. However, it should not be consumed in isolation, but always mixed with a dittany powder.” (Hildegard)

Combine mouse-ear hawkweed powder (Hieracium pilosella) with dittany powder (Dictamnus albus) and add 1-3 pinches to your food, 3 times per day. Hildegard writes in several places that bad humors can harm the heart. In the context of historical medical theories, particularly in the writings of figures like Hildegard von Bingen, “humors” referred to bodily fluids believed to influence health and temperament. The four humors (blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile) were thought to affect a person’s physical and mental well-being.

3. Herb Robert & Nutmeg Powder

Protecting and restoring the heart after infections, heart rheumatism

“Take herb Robert and a little less nutmeg powder, grind everything to a powder, and mix it well. Whoever has heart pain should consume this powder often, with bread or by licking it from their palm, and they will feel better, for this is the best powder for heart health.” (Hildegard)

Combine 20 g of herb Robert powder (Geranium robertianum) with 7 g of nutmeg. Put 1-3 pinches on bread or lick from the palm of your hand before and after meals. Amongst Hildegard’s medieval remedies, this was the best remedy for heart suffering caused by viruses, following untreated chronic infections (caused by tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.). This remedy is also used for migraines, headaches, and fever resulting from infections. It is one of the important remedies for headaches.

4. Herb Robert Powder

Suffering caused by sadness, pessimism, cardiac insufficiency (or heart failure)

“Take herb Robert and a little less pennyroyal and common rue. Eat these often on bread. In this way, the heart will be strengthened, and a person will become joyful again.” (Hildegard)

For this remedy, combine 40 g of herb Robert powder, 30 g of pennyroyal powder (Mentha pulegium), and 20 g of common rue powder (Ruta graveolens). Sprinkle it on black bread or rye bread.

5. Orange Mullein Flowers & Leaves

Congenital heart failure, sadness

“Whoever has a sad heart should often cook and eat orange mullein with meat, fish, pancakes, or vegetables. It strengthens the heart and makes it joyful.” (Hildegard)

Add fresh or dried flowers and leaves of orange mullein (Verbascum phlomoides) to food. This medieval remedy is especially recommended for children or people with congenital heart defects. It is also believed to alleviate loss of appetite caused by sadness.

St. Hildegard’s Medieval Remedies with Gemstones

6. Crystal Water


“Whoever has pain in the heart, stomach, or belly should warm a piece of natural gemstone in the sun, and when it has heated up, pour water over it and let it sit in the water for an hour, then remove the crystal. This water should be drunk often, and they will feel better.” (Hildegard)

7. Chrysolite Olive Oil

Heart neurosis, fear, irregular heartbeat

“Whoever has heart pain should immerse a piece of chrysolite stone in olive oil, and use the oil remaining on the stone, to rub the area where the pain is located, and they will feel better.” (Hildegard)

8. Jasper Stone over The Heart

Irregular heartbeat

“When you have heart pain, place a jasper stone on the painful area and press the stone against the skin to warm it. The pain will decrease.” (Hildegard)

After the stone has heated up, take it off the skin and allow it to cool down. If the pain persists, reapply the stone the same way. Dr. Strehlow says that this remedy also alleviates irregular heart rhythms.

Read Also: 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache from St Hildegard

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