Home Cures How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder

How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder

by Andreea Laza

Learn how to use dandelion root for lazy gallbladder from harvest to drying and to using it as a natural medicine for gallbladder problems. Let’s go.

Dandelion is probably the most widespread medicinal plant in Romania. Dandelion leaves and stems are most commonly used in natural medicine, although the root possesses the strongest healing properties. With an extremely bitter taste that stimulates digestive, assimilative, and excretory functions, it is especially used at the end of winter and the beginning of spring as a powerful liver detoxifier. Modern medical studies confirm the detoxifying effect of dandelion, effectively catalyzing all processes of toxin and metabolic waste elimination from the body. Furthermore, dandelion root is considered one of the best plants for preventing cardiovascular diseases.

How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Before we show you how to use dandelion root for lazy gallbladder, let’s see how to harvest and dry this medicinal root plant to obtain the highest quality medicine from it.

How to Harvest Dandelion Root

Dandelion roots are harvested at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, along with the underground stem that stores important nutrients, known as the rhizome. Harvesting is done by digging them up with a spade. After harvesting, wash the dandelion roots well in running water, then split them lengthwise if they are thick, and lay them out to dry in a thin layer in a warm, dry place. Once the drying process is complete (when the roots become rigid and snap with a crisp sound), store them in paper bags in clean, dry places, for later use.

Dandelion root harvested in early spring is at its peak healing power, cleansing the body like a natural detergent.

How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder (Biliary Dyskinesia)

Dandelion root maceration is a simple remedy with extraordinary effects for gallbladder attacks (sluggish bile), as it stimulates the immediate emptying of the gallbladder, thereby calming abdominal discomfort, eliminating the sensation of nausea, and alleviating the nagging headaches associated with biliary dyskinesia. Dandelion root maceration also has a rapid effect in cases of dyspepsia. Prepare the cold maceration as follows.

  • Put a teaspoon of dandelion root powder into a cup (200 ml) of water at room temperature and let it sit for 8-10 hours (overnight), then strain it.
  • Drink 1-3 cups of this cold maceration per day on an empty stomach, at least 15 minutes before meals.

Most people usually see a significant improvement in their digestion, less bloating, and better overall digestion from the very first cups of this healing maceration.

More Dandelion Root Uses:
Heart Problems
Kidney Problems
Liver Problems
Skin Problems

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How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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