Home Herbs How to Use Black Bryony for Rheumatic Pain and More

How to Use Black Bryony for Rheumatic Pain and More

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to use black bryony for rheumatic pain and how to make black bryony tincture for inflammation? Continue reading.

Black bryony (Tamus communis) is a widely known folk remedy in Europe, yet scientific research on its medicinal benefits is still in its early stages. The most studied medicinal part of the plant is its root or rhizome. One interesting property of this root is that it has a rubefacient effect when it comes into contact with the skin. That is, it causes mild irritation, stimulates blood circulation, and warms the area.

In most villages in the Curvature Carpathians, the mountainous areas of Banat, and the Apuseni Mountains regions of Romania, people use this root topically to treat rheumatic conditions. Before we show you how to use black bryony for rheumatic pain and inflammation, here is how to harvest this magnificent root.

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How to Harvest Black Bryony Root

Black bryony is a herbaceous plant with a stem that can grow 2 to 4 meters long, bearing inconspicuous greenish flowers, in contrast to its bright red berries, which are easily noticeable in the fall. Underground, it develops an impressive root, up to half a meter long and very thick (sometimes as thick as an arm), with a buttery consistency. It grows mainly at the edges of forests, in clearings, and alongside hedges. It often prefers rocky areas, where its massive root “hides,” making it very difficult to dig up.

Black bryony root is harvested in the autumn. Use a spade to dig up the root, and quickly wash it in clean water to preserve its mucilaginous substances. Black bryony root is most often used fresh, either applied directly to the skin or prepared as a root tincture for external use. Here is how to make black bryony tincture from its root.

How to Make Black Bryony Tincture

Immediately after harvesting and washing the black bryony roots, grate them and put them in a glass jar, then add 30-40-degree strong brandy over them, just enough to cover them by 1-2 centimeters. Seal the jar and allow it to macerate for 6 days, during which time the bottle is shaken 3-4 times a day to improve the extraction of the active compounds. Finally, strain the tincture and pour it into an amber glass bottle. Use the black bryony tincture to rub the painful areas 2-3 times a day. Now let’s look into the way you can use black bryony for rheumatic pain in the form of tincture, poultice, and more.

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How to Use Black Bryony for Rheumatic Pain – 3 Ways

  1. Grate the freshly-picked black bryony root and apply it directly to the skin around the affected area, then wrap a piece of clean cloth around it, and leave for 5-15 minutes. The treated joint area will warm up, the pain will decrease, and after a few applications, joint mobility will improve. Resume the application daily until the pain subsides.
  2. The second way to use black bryony for rheumatic pain is in the form of tincture, and a combination of natural salve of calendula and black bryony. First, rub the tincture on the painful areas, then apply the salve twice a day. After a few days of treatment, significant relief can be felt, but continue until complete healing.
  3. The third way you can use black bryony for rheumatic pain is as fresh cold-pressed juice right after digging it out. Combine equal amounts of fresh black bryony root juice with lanolin to obtain a simple natural ointment. Use this ointment to rub the affected areas at least once a day.

All these remedies that use black bryony warm the joints and stimulate blood circulation in the area. Usually, after 1-2 weeks of treatment, there is a noticeable reduction in rheumatic pain and an increase in joint flexibility.

5 Natural Remedies for Rheumatic Fever - black bryony

4 Other Important Health Uses of Black Bryony Root

  1. Frozen Shoulder and Dupuytren’s Contracture – rub the frozen shoulder or affected fingers with black bryony tincture several times a day for at least three days. This tincture is used very successfully in cases of severe shoulder pain and frozen shoulder, as well as in Dupuytren’s contracture, and even in issues like cervical spondylosis or pain caused by bunions due to its powerful anti-inflammatory action.
  2. Sciatica – use the same topical application as for rheumatic pain abovementioned, or apply a poultice with black bryony tincture for 30 minutes, then wrap a woolen cloth around the painful area. Do this application twice a day until your back pain is completely gone.
  3. Sinusitis – Put one tablespoon of freshly grated black bryony root and another one of horseradish root, in a piece of cheesecloth. Apply the poultice on the forehead for 2-15 minutes (depending on the intensity of the skin reaction and tolerance to the burning sensation). During the application, most people pass a significant amount of mucus, and the pain gradually decreases, as well as the feeling of heaviness in the forehead area. Apply the poultice 1-2 times for acute sinusitis and up to 12 times for chronic sinusitis.
  4. Pneumonia and Bronchitis – apply a paste made from 5 tablespoons of freshly grated black bryony root, 2 tablespoons of horseradish, and 4 tablespoons of ground flax seeds to the chest. Put a clean cotton cloth on top, followed by a warm woolen cloth. The application is done for half an hour a day, for 4-5 consecutive days. It has powerful immune-boosting effects, helps eliminate excess mucus, and eases breathing.

Black Byrony Safety and Contraindications

Black bryony is used only externally, as internal use can cause quite severe digestive and nervous system reactions! Black bryony root can cause strong allergic skin reactions in people with sensitive skin. For this reason, it should be used cautiously at first, only on a small area of skin, progressively increasing the area as long as the reaction is normal. Also, since it has a strong rubefacient effect, the plant should initially be applied for only 30 seconds to 1 minute, gradually increasing the application time, but only if there is no severe burning sensation or skin damage. Plants have tremendous healing powers if we use them cautionally and treat them with respect.

Read Also: How to Make Herbal Salve for Rheumatic Pain

If you’ve enjoyed learning how to use black bryony for rheumatic pain, as well as for frozen shoulder, sciatica, and even respiratory tract inflammation, please share this article so more people can use this information. Let us know in the comments below what is your go-to remedy for rheumatic pain. Stay healthy, naturally!

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