Home Mind & Body St Hildegard’s 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache

St Hildegard’s 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn more about St. Hildegard’s magical remedies for heartache? Continue reading them and find out what they are.

Heartache, or angina pectoris in medical terms, is one of the most common heart symptoms. Although the pain feels like a sharp stabbing in the heart area, it is most likely caused by a pinched nerve in the spine after a sudden unexpected move, heavy lifting, or intense physical strain. If this is not the case, please consult a specialist when experiencing pain around the heart area.

St. Hildegard of Bingen was a remarkable medieval figure born around 1098 in the Holy Roman Empire (now Germany). She was a Benedictine abbess, visionary, composer, writer, herbalist, and polymath. One of her most famous works is Causae et Curae, a work on medicine and healing.

St Hildegard's 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache

St Hildegard’s 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache

1. Stabbing Pain in The Rib Area and Spleen

“Whoever has pain in their ribs, heart, or spleen should boil some parsley in wine along with a bit of wine vinegar and honey. They should drink this, and they will be healed.” (Hildegard)

Boil 10 parsley leaves, 150 g of wildflower honey, and 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar in a liter of wine. After boiling, strain the wine and pour it into clean, sterilized bottles. Store it in a cool place. The dosage is a small shot (20 ml) after meals. Take it out of the refrigerator ahead of time so it’s not too cold when consumed.

2. Heartache Caused By Heart Problems

“Take licorice root, five times as much fennel, and an equal amount of sugar as the licorice root, along with some honey, and make a drink from these ingredients. Drink it before and after meals.” (Hildegard)

Boil 50 g of fennel seeds, 10 g of licorice root, 20 g of sugar, and 25 g of honey (skimmed of any foam) in 2 cups of water (preferably exposed to sunlight for 1-2 hours during midday) for 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into clean, sterilized bottles. According to Dr. Wighard Strehlow, this remedy is recommended for heart problems and heart pain, and as a recovery treatment post-infarction.

3. Angina Pain

For angina pain, Hildegard von Bingen recommends poultices with a broth of flaxseed over the heart area, or where you experience pain.

“Whoever has pain in their arms and ribs should boil flax seeds in water. In this warm water, they should soak a linen cloth and place it on the area where they feel the pain.” (Hildegard)

4. Heartache, Fear of death & Heart Attack

Yellow gentian is a bitter herb that Hildegard recommends for immense pain around the heart, including fear of death and heart attack.

“Whoever has such intense pain in their heart that they feel their life hangs by a thread should sprinkle yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) into their soup, and their heart will gain strength.” (Hildegard)

5. Heart Pain

“Whoever suffers from heart pain should eat powder made from the root of the dittany (Dictamnus albus), and the pain will disappear.” (Hildegard)

Dittany is a powerful remedy for arteriosclerosis, particularly in the arteries and blood vessels of the heart. It is used as a “cleanser of the arteries” because it can eliminate cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels, as well as kidney stones and bile. The dosage is one to three pinches of root powder added to food or spread on bread.

6. Angina Pain and Heart Attack

Another herbal remedy that Hildegard recommends for heartache and heart attack, as well as for thrombosis and hypertension, is the following. Mix 1 g of dittany, 2 g of mouse-ear hawkweed, 16 g of fennel seeds, and 18 g of powdered hay flowers (threshed hay). Add 1-2 pinches of this powdered mixture to 20 ml of warm wine (but not boiling) and take it one hour after meal. Or use plain water instead if you want to avoid alcohol.

St Hildegard's 10 Magical Remedies for Heartache

7. Heart Attack & Heart Pain After Heart Attack

“Whoever suffers with their heart or faints because of heart troubles should simmer potato leaves gently (for 2-3 minutes) in water. After straining, these warm leaves should be placed on the heart for about an hour, and they will feel better.” (Hildegard)

8. Heart Pain & Stabbing Pain in The Ribs

“Whoever has pain in their heart or ribs should warm an onyx stone in their palms or against their body and heat some wine over a fire. After removing the wine from the heat, hold the stone above the wine so that the steam from the wine condenses on the stone. This sweat should be mixed with the wine (allow the condensed drops to flow back into the pot of wine). After that, place the stone in the wine and drink from it immediately, and the pain will disappear.” (Hildegard)

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9. Stabs to the Heart and Other Areas

“Whoever has stabbing pains in their heart or or joint pain, should take some milk thistle and a bit less sage, make a juice with water, and drink it when they feel the pain, and they will feel better.”

Considering that few people have fresh milk thistle plants available, another way to use this remedy is to make an infusion of milk thistle and sage and drink it warm whenever experiencing stags to the heart.

10. Heart Pain that Shoots Through the Body and Hands

“Gather the bay fruits while they are still green, and press them to extract the bay oil. When you have heart pain, anoint yourself with this oil. Likewise, anoint yourself on the ribs or back when you have pain there (due to the heart), and you will feel better.” (Hildegard)

Bay oil has proven its effectiveness for chest pain, joint pain, and rheumatic discomfort. It also alleviates heart pain radiating in the back and around the ribs. Bay oil should only be used after conducting an allergy test. For this, apply a drop to the skin and rub it gently. If a red spot appears, your body may be too sensitive to this oil, in which case, it should not be used.

Read Also: 7 Natural Remedies for Anginal Pain

Hildegard von Bingen’s remedies have a magical aspect about them, as they address spiritual and emotional aspects of human nature, not just physical problems. If you’ve enjoyed learning about these medieval magical remedies for heartache, please save and share this article. Stay healthy, naturally!

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