Home Cures 6 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart and Circulatory Problems

6 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart and Circulatory Problems

by Andreea Laza

Looking for medieval remedies from Transylvania for heart and circulation problems? Discover hundreds of years old Transylvanian Saxon remedies.

Passed on from generation to generation, these Saxon remedies from Transylvania are an invaluable yet, almost forgotten treasure. Kept for hundreds of years in clothing chests painted with flowers along sprigs of lavender, these remedies belonging to Saxon healers from Rotbav, Jibert, Ungra, Vurpar, or Biertan, Transylvania have been rediscovered and published in magazines and books. Today these Saxon remedies enjoy a special interest in Germany and Europe. Here we want to share with you Saxon remedies for heart and circulatory problems.

Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart and Circulation - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Biertan village Saxon church, world heritage of Romania

6 Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart & Blood Problems

1. High Blood Pressure

If there is a predisposition to high blood pressure, the heart and blood vessels are more stressed and can be more easily damaged. Garlic cleans the blood vessels best, but only in large quantities (1-2 raw garlic cloves, daily). Garlic also contains sulfides that reduce cholesterol levels, and it was one of the key Transylvanian Saxon remedies for high blood pressure.

2. Low Blood Pressure

Usually, when there is low blood pressure, the heart pumps blood with low power. To strengthen the pumping power of the heart, we recommend a recipe from priest Sebastian Kneipp. Pour 3/4 liter of strong homemade white wine over 20 g of rosemary leaves in a glass jar, seal, and macerate for 5 days. Strain and pour in amber bottles. The dosage is one cup at lunch and another one in the evening. Rosemary regulates the pumping power of the heart and, likewise camphene, an active substance found in wine.

3. Varicose Veins

In addition to light physical exercise, horse chestnut extracts are a very effective remedy for varicose veins today. In the past, Saxons used cold compresses with apple cider vinegar and arnica tincture, or sea salt (1 tablespoon dissolved in 1/4 l of water). To make the arnica tincture at home, use one part alcohol to 9 parts plant and dilute with water when making the compress. The compresses stimulate blood supply and stabilize circulation, while horse chestnut “seals” the walls of the veins. In addition, eat plenty of vitamin C-rich foods (Vitamin C strengthens the vein walls), and foods such as onion, garlic, and red pepper to reduce the production of fibrin.

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4. Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is manifested by unjustified fatigue, irritability, brittle nails, limp hair, and pale and dry skin. Nettle tea can be very useful in such situations, as this is one of the most popular Transylvanian Saxon remedies. Scald 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves in one cup of hot water for 5 minutes, strain, and drink 3 cups of nettle leaf tea daily. In the spring, Transylvanian Saxons added fresh common daisies (Bellis perenis) to their leafy green salads as they believed they stimulate hematopoiesis (new blood formation) due to the bitter substances in them.

5. Cold Extremities

Cold hands and feet can be a result of fear and tension, but most of the time, the cause is insufficient blood supply caused by sedentarism, hypotension, or poor circulation. A cold foot shower is the best Saxon remedy in this case. Shower your legs with a jet of cold water starting from the ankle to the thigh, on the face, and on the back of the legs, three times. According to Kneipp, cold water therapy strengthens the blood vessels, which react better to cold and warm stimuli.

Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart and Circulation - MyNaturalTreatment.com

6. Bruises

The blows are not only painful but they are often accompanied by bruises. One of the best Saxon remedies for bruises was clay. Put a teaspoon of aluminum acetate in the form of clay in a cup of water, mix, and soak a piece of cotton, squeeze, and apply to the painful area. As an alternative, arnica salve or gel is another option. Clay reduces swelling, and arnica contains essential oils that block pain and inflammation.

The selection of Transylvanian Saxon remedies and the medical explanations in this article belong to Dr. Bernard Uehleke, a German specialist in complementary medicine, at the University of Wurzburg, Germany.

More Saxon Remedies:
Cold and Flu Symptoms
Digestive Problems
Skin Problems
Eye Problems

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7 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Heart and Circulation- MyNaturalTreatment.com

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