Home Beauty 7 Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes

7 Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes

by Andreea Laza

Looking for home remedies for irritated eyes? Continue reading this article and find out what they are.

Most people take their eyesight for granted, but there are times when the eyes become irritated or tired and that’s the time to take care of our eyes properly. What causes eye irritations? Many possible factors contribute to eye irritation. Microparticles of dust or other debris enter the eyes which can irritate the eyes and even lead to eye conditions such as conjunctivitis. If the eye irritation persists, consult a doctor, but if it is mild, you can safely try one of the home remedies for irritated eyes below.

Eye Irritation Home Remedy

7 Effective Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes

1. Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes with Eyebright

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) is highly indicated in eye conditions, such as mild eye inflammation, redness, and even conjunctivitis. Well-renowned priest and founder of the naturopathic movement in Europe, Sebastian Kneipp has left us with some simple yet efficient home remedies for irritated eyes with eyebright. Let’s begin with a topical remedy using this wonderful plant. You can use either dried or fresh eyebright leaves, as you wish, or eyebright powder obtained from the dried plant. 

  • Steep 1 teaspoon of dried eyebright in ½ cup of hot water. 
  • Let the infusion cool down and then use it to wash your eyes 2-3 times a day.

You can also make eye compresses by soaking a cotton pad in concentrated eyebright infusion (leave it on for at least 10 minutes). Repeat the procedure as many times as it takes until the irritation subsides. Eyebright, as the name tells, cleans the eyes thoroughly, and even improves and clears the eyesight. This is one of the best home remedies for irritated eyes.

Natural Remedy for Tired Eyes - Eyebright
Eyebright flowers (Euphrasia officinalis)

2. Kneipp’s Eyebright Powder for Irritated Eyes

The second remedy for irritated eyes from Sebastein Kneips’ manual uses eyebright powder. This is how the herbalist used eyebright powder to improve the eyesight of his sick patients. Have one pinch of eyebright powder a day with soup or water. To make the powder grind the dried plant using an electric coffee grinder or a mortar.

Don’t take more than a pinch of eyebright powder a day. Due to the bitterness of this plant, this is an amazing and simple bitter for the stomach, that regulates digestion and activates gastric juices. In addition to being one of the most effective home remedies for irritated eyes when used topically (eye washes/compresses), eyebright is also an amazing natural remedy for stomach and digestive disorders if used internally, in powder form. 

Read Also: 3 Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes

3. Dill Seed Remedies for Irritated Eyes

Boil 30 g of dill seeds in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the fire and allow the decoction to cool down for a bit. Then use the decoction for steam inhalation. Cover your head with a towel, and lean over the steam with your eyes open, so the dill seed steam penetrates the eyes and relieves the irritation.

7 Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes -  Dill Seeds

4. Cornflower Remedy for Eye Irritation

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is, by definition, THE medicinal herb for eye conditions. Apply warm cornflower tea compresses on the eyelids daily for 2 weeks. After removing the compress, apply a thin layer of castor oil around the eyes and eyelids using your fingers.

9 Natural Treatments for Conjunctivitis - Cornflowers
Cornflowers (Centaurea cyanus)

5. Yellow Sweet Clover

Boil 2 teaspoons of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) in 200 ml of water. Strain and use the warm infusion for eyewashes. Use a dropper to put the warm tea into the irritated eyes. Then apply compresses with this tea. Yellow sweet clover is one of the best home remedies for irritated eyes.

6. Chamomile Remedy for Eye Irritation

Pour ¼ L of boiling milk over 1 heaped tbsp of chamomile flowers and allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the tea and use the chamomile milk to apply to irritated eyes. Repeat until the irritation is gone. Chamomile is one of the most soothing herbs for eye irritation as well as skin irritation.

What Is Chamomile Good For? Chamomile Uses, Benefits, Remedies - Tea

7. Swedish Bitter for Irritated Eyes

Use your pinky finger to pad Swedish bitter to the exterior corner of your eyes. Repeat until the eye irritation is gone. Swedish bitter is one of the simplest yet most effective home remedies for irritated eyes.

Read Also: Natural Remedy for Tired Eyes

Eye irritation is common, and can easily be alleviated with the help of medicinal herbs. Hopefully, at least one of the home remedies for irritated eyes here will help you heal completely. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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7 Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes

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